

Virolog coducting experiment in the course of coronavirus pandemic
Summer Courses
For Ages
13-15 Years, 16-18 Years, 19+ Years
Cambridge, London, Oxford, Yale
Curing the Future: Science

Science is a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It is a broad field of study that encompasses various disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, and more. Scientists seek to explain natural phenomena, discover new knowledge, and develop theories and models that accurately describe and predict the behavior of the physical and natural world.

The scientific method is a systematic approach used by scientists to investigate phenomena and acquire new knowledge. It involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions. The scientific method emphasizes objectivity, reproducibility, and the use of evidence-based reasoning.

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces that govern the universe. It explores the properties of particles, the behavior of matter and energy, and the principles underlying phenomena such as motion, electricity, magnetism, optics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics.

Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, composition, and transformations. It investigates the structure of atoms, molecules, and compounds, as well as the interactions and reactions that occur between them. Chemistry plays a crucial role in understanding materials, chemical reactions, and the composition of substances in the natural and synthetic world.

Biology is the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, and interactions with the environment. It covers a wide range of sub-disciplines, such as molecular biology, genetics, ecology, microbiology, zoology, botany, and physiology. Biologists explore the complexities of life at various levels, from the molecular and cellular to organisms, ecosystems, and the biosphere.

Earth and environmental science focus on the study of the Earth, its geological processes, and the interactions between the environment and living organisms. It includes disciplines such as geology, meteorology, climatology, oceanography, and environmental science. Scientists in this field investigate natural phenomena, climate change, the Earth’s history, ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Great if you're thinking about
  • Identifying the major health challenges facing humanity
  • Planning your pathway to Medical School
  • Pursuing a pre-medical degree at University
  • Becoming a Surgeon, Doctor, Nurse or Allied Health Professional
On this course you will
  • Basic Medical Sciences: Basic medical sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology
  • Having knowledge about pathology, which examines the causes, mechanisms and effects of diseases
  • You can learn about pharmacology, which studies the effects, side effects and interactions of drugs.
  • How diseases are managed by learning diagnosis and treatment methods of diseases
What's Included in Science?
  • Anatomy and physiology, which studies the structural and functional features of the human body, is the basis of medical education.
  • Pathology, which studies the causes, mechanisms and effects of diseases, diagnosis of diseases
  • Pharmacology, which studies the effects, side effects and interactions of drugs, studies diseases
  • Epidemiology, disease control and public health strategies that study the spread of diseases, risk factors, outbreaks and epidemics
  • Diagnosis and Treatment
  • How surgical interventions are performed
Virolog coducting experiment in the course of coronavirus pandemic

Escape ordinary classroom teaching and learn through interactive and immersive lessons.